
sh-3.1$ ze-printstats -h
Usage : ze-printstats options
    ze-printstats -c conf_file
    ze-printstats -a | -p | -g
        -p   : print running process ze-filter counters
        -g   : print ze-filter counters from last reset
        -a   : print both counters
    ze-printstats -t[td]
        -t   : throttle data (summary)
        -tt  : throttle data (detail)
        -d   : resolve IP addresses
        -m x1,x2,...
        -l   : period of interest - default value : 10m
               period shall be smaller than 20m - default unit : s
        -n N : max number of records to print
    ze-printstats -q [-l dt [s|m|h|d]] [[-v | ip | hostname] | [-m x]]
        -q   : query gateway activity
        -l   : period of interest - default unit : secs
        -v   : verbose - meaninful only if gateway not specified
               prints summary for each client gateway
        -m x : select type of summary
               x = s  : Connection summary
               x = e  : Client doing empty connections
               x = re : Client doing empty connections - reject
               x = ro : Too much open connections - reject
               x = rt : Connection rate too high - reject
               x = rb : Too many bad recipients - reject
               x = rg : Clients with messages rejected by greylisting
               x = r  : Clients with bad DNS resolution
               x = rr : Clients with bad DNS resolution - reject
               x = c  : Clients being rejected by content checking
               x = x  : Clients sending X-Files or Virus
               x = rm : Messages with BAD MX for sender domain
               x = st : Clients sending messages to SpamTraps
        -n N : max number of records to print