ze-filter is a fork of j-chkmail.
j-chkmail was created, at first, for internal use at the Centre de Calcul et Systèmes d'Information, at Ecole des Mines de Paris, in 2002, by José-Marcio Martins da Cruz.
Different aspects of mail filtering, currently statistical content filtering, constitutes the research interest of José-Marcio.
As we think our work may be useful to other people, the french education/research community but also anyone, it's distributed more free (no strings attached) than free (from freedom). We don't do business with it and nobody pays for using it. We don't intend to compete nor with other free open source mail filters nor with proprietary and closed mail filters. We aren't in the software business : we simply hope our work may be useful to other people.
And, in fact, it's in production in many small and big mail servers. It has proved to be very reliable and efficient.
So, ze-filter become a personal project. I can just dedicate some moments of my personal spare time to help people, answer questions and, eventually, add some new and easy to implement features. Mainly, I won't be able to maintain neither the database of URLs nor the statistical filter learning data.
Either way, ze-filter works just fine and will continue to…