ze-filter Change Log

Version 0.9.0 - dev

Version 0.8.0 - 07-Mar-2018

  • Some cleaning code cleaning up with indent (unix tool)
  • Documenting source code with doxygen. Work in progress. See http://foss.jose-marcio.org/srcdoc
  • Cleaning up code, with the help of documentation generated by doxygen. Work in progress.

Version 0.7.0 - 14-Feb-2018

  • External libraries : pcre and db moved into 3rdparty directory (suggested by Jens Schleusener - fossies.org)
  • Added option “–disable-create-user-group' to configure script. This option control if user/group defined at configuration time will be created if they don't exist. Default is to create.
  • Some cleanup inside configure script. More to come…

Version 0.6.0 - 12-Feb-2018

  • A lot of warnings under Ubuntu 16.04 were corrected.

Version 0.5.0 - 11-Feb-2018

  • ze-filter runs now as user:group ze-filter:ze-filter. This user:group shall exists before installation of the filter. Maybe : useradd -d /var/ze-filter -s /bin/bash -m -u 900 ze-filter
  • Some references to /usr/bin/… at some commands inside config/startup/Makefile and startup files. Noticed by Guy Carre
  • Some small bugs in systemd startup files - noticed by Dudi Goldenberg.
  • A script update-db.sh replacing both /var/ze-filter/cdb/get-urlbl and /var/ze-filter/cdb/get-bayes : simpler and more reliable.
  • contrib/filter-tools was more extensively tested and documented.
  • contrib/rrd-ze-filter was more extensively tested, simplified and documented.
  • contrib/munin/ze-filter-counters_ munin-monitoring plugin added and documented.

Version 0.4.0 - 04-Feb-2018

  • removal of some buglets regarding the name change.
  • systemd scripts. Old SysV “init.d” are considered deprecated and aren't installed anymore by default.
    Well, this may seems confusing but systemd is now the recommended way to start daemons and are available at recent releases of Debian, RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu, Fedora, …
    It's a simpler, uniform and more reliable way to manage daemons.
    Old init.d scripts are still there but if you really need them, you can just copy them, by hand, to /etc/init.d directories.
  • Moving/renaming/reorganizing some directories and files - transparent to final users. Work in progress.

Version 0.2.0 - 02-Feb-2018

First release of this filter after fork of j-chkmail

  • many parts of the filter were rewritten. First of all because of the fork and also to clean-up some code which may be improved. This is a work in progress.
  • Everything was renamed to replace every mention to j-chkmail to ze-filter : configuration files, directories, …
  • Embedded Berkeley DB and PCRE library were upgraded to 6.2.32 and 3.41, respectively.
  • A first version of filter-tools (or ze-tools) were included in the contrib directory. These tools are intended to help people manage quarantine and ze-filter monitoring.
  • A script : migrate-j-chkmail-2-ze-filter can help people to migrate from j-chkmail to ze-filter
  • More info soon at the wiki. ze-filter source tarball is available at : http://foss.jose-marcio.org/download or at http://github.com/jmarcio/ze-filter
doc/installation/changelog.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/08 17:02 by
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