Results Dell 1850

This is a Dell 1850 computer with two dual core Intel Xeon CPUs running at 3.6 GHz, and 4 GBytes of RAM under FreeBSD 6.0.

Content filtering - behaviour for various levels of message rate

The D1850 begin rejecting messages (time out) when the input message rate is greater than 28 msgs/sec.

Content filtering - behaviour for sustained message rate

NOOP - no content check feature enabled

Filter running with XFILES filtering enabled

Filter running with URL filtering enabled

Filter running with XFILES and URL filtering enabled


Features enabled Handled message rate (msgs/sec)
NOOP 27.998
XFILES 27.996
URLBL 27.562

Greylisting evaluation

The D1850 begin rejecting messages (time out) for message rates higher than 60 connections per second.

performance/d1850.txt · Last modified: 2007/06/24 13:26 by
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